
Unlimited posts & products

Subscribers can create as many posts and products as they want

Free users are limited to 50 posts and 100 products

Search for post, products or users

We have made a super fast search for our visitors to find exactly the products they saw in your content

Make your content shine!

Posts and products can have images and descriptions

You can also add prices or price ranges, add tags and brands to further enrich the content

Use our QR code creator to make finding your content EASY!

Add the QR code to your content

Your viewers can screenshot the QR and go directly to the product!

Replace other links in bio tools with Affill.io

You can add links to your bio / profile, and link to your other content if you want to

Make kits or lists of your posts or products

Want to make a list of all your pet stuff? No problem!

Lists can have images, descriptions and tags just like posts

Keep track of all your products from the same affilliate

Add the affiliate in the post and product settings

The affiliates are only visible to you, as its ment to help you keep track

Promote brands directly on your posts or products

Brand all products from different companies with ease

Make it easy for your visitors to find the products they are looking for

Want more tags? You can have all the tags!

Make custom tags for your posts and products

"Bestseller", "Trending", "Featured", "Test winner" - you get the idea!

Make custom slugs for your posts

We make slugs from the post title for all posts

But you can change them if you want!

Promote your newsletter

Add your Mailchimp newsletter to your profile

Grow your audience furter with your content

More newsletter providers will be added later

Get an overview of your visitors

We provide analytics for your account and content

See your most visited posts, lists, or products

Affiliate for Affill.io for affiliates that wants to affiliate!

Become an affiliate for us, and earn dollars!!

Check the pricing page to see which tier is right for you